With the approaching fall semester, many college-bound students still are in need of essential funds for school. Whether students need funds to cover the full cost of their tuition and expenses or funds to supplement the financial aid they received, NextStudent, the premier education funding company, can help students through its Private Student Loan Program.
NextStudent, based in Phoenix, AZ, is dedicated to helping students and their families find affordable ways to pay for college. Along with a host of highly competitive education finance products, the company provides a variety of Private Student Loans.
Private Student Loan Funds Disbursed Fast
For college students who are concerned that it is too late to receive loan funds for college, Private Student Loans through NextStudent may be disbursed in as little as five business days.
Student borrowers can apply for Private Student Loans through NextStudent at any time throughout the year, as there are no application deadlines. From the beginning of the school term through the end, student borrowers have the ability to secure education funds to help them pay for all their education expenses.
Free and Easy Application Process
The application process is quick and easy and student borrowers can be preapproved within minutes after speaking with one of NextStudent’s knowledgeable Education Finance Advisors. Private Student Loans are unsecured and credit-based, and there are no application fees. The loans may cover as much as the full cost of a student’s education, less any received financial aid. Expenses can include tuition and fees, supplies, housing costs and computers, according to NextStudent.
Student borrowers can apply for a Private Student Loan with or without a co-signer; however, NextStudent approves more Private Student Loans when there is a qualified co-signer.
The NextStudent Private Student Loan Program requires that student borrowers are enrolled at least half time at college. They must be in a degree or certificate program at a TERI-approved school. The Education Resources Institute, or TERI, is a nonprofit organization. It guarantees all private loans issued from NextStudent. International students and those in distance learning courses also can apply for Private Student Loans.
An annual maximum of $40,000, or the calculated cost of attendance (lesser amount), is available to private student loan borrowers. The program maximum available is $130,000.
Private Loans Disbursed Direct to Student
Private Student Loan borrowers can rest easy, as funds are distributed direct to the borrower. Repayment on the private loans does not have to begin until six months after graduation, or when the student drops below half-time enrollment status at college.
On private loans of less than $40,000, student borrowers have as much as 20 years to repay the loan. The repayment term may be extended for loans of more than $40,000. In addition, the minimum loan payment is $25, and interest payments may be tax deductible.
Since NextStudent offers Private Student Loans throughout the year, student borrowers can rest easy knowing that they can receive the funds they need at any time. The fall semester is around the corner, and student borrowers easily can apply now and receive the college funds they need within weeks.
NextStudent believes that getting an education is the best investment you can make, and it is dedicated to helping you pursue your education dreams by making college funding as easy as possible. Learn more about Student Loans.
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