There is no question that college costs are escalating beyond the ability to pay for even those of modest means without taking out student loans. New proposed student loan legislation is under consideration to lower interest rates but yet has not been enacted. In addition, individual schools from Ivy League universities to community colleges are implementing their own unique policies and programs to help students finance their college education so they avoid further debt.
One simple but often overlooked method for making college more affordable regardless of the institution of choice is for students to become their own college funding resource by locating scholarships for school, according to NextStudent, the leading Phoenix-based education funding company.
Commitment to Research Results in Rewards
Students and their parents who make a commitment to perform exhaustive searches to find the funds they need for school may be surprised at how much FREE money they uncover, even though finding it may take some time. However, the investment may prove to be well worth it, as it will facilitate having to borrow fewer funds for college. A key resource to locate scholarships is NextStudent’s free, online Scholarship Search Directory.
Ample Resources for Funding College Education
Locating the perfect scholarship portfolio to help finance college is a simple, easy process when using the Scholarship Search Directory. With more than 2.4 million scholarships valued at over $3.4 billion from 42,000 sources, college students have innumerable choices when applying for awards.
Planning Reaps Results
While there certainly is no right or wrong way to go about it, if students search the directory in a systematic, thorough manner they will have a better chance of receiving the scholarships that best fit their needs. Here is a suggested process to follow:
* Start by searching for the college of attendance and the year of attendance by clicking on the “College(s)” and “Year of Study” links, respectively.
* Next, students may search according to their “State of residency” and then their parents’ “Corporate Employer(s).”
* Third, sort through the scholarships by “Academic Major.”
* Lastly, students may explore the remaining categories that apply to their particular situation. Examples here include: “Artistic Skill(s)” or “Athletic Skill(s),” “Honor(s),” “Ethnic Background(s)” or “Racial Background(s),” “Military or Veteran Affiliation(s),” “Religious Affiliation(s)” and “Other Affiliation(s).”
Specific Awards for Specific Situations
In addition, there are other individual categories suited for students who have specific needs. These include scholarships for those who fall under such categories as “Impairments” which include chronic medical conditions and other ailments, and even a category called “Unique Situation.” This particular category is one that often is overlooked by scholarship applicants. It includes awards to former students of a particular county school, awards for exchange students, or those with part-time or full-time jobs, and such unique awards for those who have been home-schooled or are Amateur Radio (Ham) Operators.
No matter what circumstances students are in or where their background, interests and talents lie, there are many opportunities for FREE money to be found through NextStudent’s Scholarship Search Directory. By dedicating a generous amount of time to find these awards, students may avoid having to borrow a significant amount of money to fund their college education.
NextStudent believes that getting an education is the best investment you can make, and it is dedicated to helping you pursue your education dreams by making college funding simple. Learn more about student loans.
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